
This information is designed to allow readers in terms of cooperating with us. To help the promotion of your business, then this provide a price list according to the position that had been prepared as follows:

How to Advertise - Ad Price:

1. Heading: Position Top beside Logo
    728 × 90 pixel: Price 376.5292 USD / month

2.Sub Menu: Position Under Navigation Menu
   970 × 90 pixel: Price 338.8627 USD / month

3.Banner Right: The position to the right Level 1:
   300 × 250 pixels: Price 188.2736 USD / month

4.Banner Right: Right Position to Level 2:
   300 × 250 pixels: Price 173.2122 USD / month

5.Banner Right: Right Position to Level 3:
   300 × 250 pixels: Price 150.6193 USD / month

6.Right Banner Mini: Position to the Right Level 4-5
   300 × 90 pixels: Price 75.30966 USD / month

All creatives (Header, Sub Menu, Right Banner, Mini Banner Right) will appear on all pages of the